HEB Group
HEB Group is the result of a fusion of energies which belongs to the family Lupis, operating since 1974 in the field of clinical, sales and maintenance of medical equipment.
The company, made in Italy, is originally on the market with a range of services in the field of Integrated Technology, biomedical, specializing in providing services to public and private institutions such as clinics and nursing homes by providing the instruments and staff for a more comprehensive management of technical assistance on medical equipment. Constant attention to market trends and the needs of institutions, pushes HEB Group to invest resources in the energy thus developing their identity ESCO, creating alternative energy plants, cogeneration, trigeneration and district heating. Increasingly sensitive to energy saving, implements the services of Energy Management investing and creating new technological solutions to alternative energy and implement the service of public lighting. The constant concern to the biological risk from bacterial contamination of air conditioning systems and water networks, has prompted the company HEB Group Ltd. to the creation of a specific sector for the service of sanitation facilities.
The company is now a well-established company that has a presence of international importance in the following areas:
Clinical Engineering
In the provision of Clinical Engineering, HEB Group enjoys the support of synergies established with the major manufacturers and the extensive use of technological innovations.
Energy and energy efficiency
HEB Group is an expert in construction and plant engineering and is able to offer its customers a wide range of services.
Building and construction
The HEB Group has developed programs and documentation that allow the HEB Group is an expert in building and plant.